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Get to know KAREN...

I had no idea where to start, but I knew if something didn’t change, I’d be stuck in the same rut forever.........
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Hey friend! Glad you stopped by. My name is Karen. I've been married twice, 2nd time was definitely the charm. We have 3 kids, all grown now leaving us empty-nesters and working for our 3 huskies and cat....because YES.. they are in charge lol  

Before all this, I worked 3 regular jobs all at once that took a major toll on my body. Transitioning to working from home wasn't just a choice—it became a necessity born out of the need to prioritize my health. Despite a decade of expertise in social marketing, my journey began from scratch. There wasn't a simple system to guide me through the years of learning and growth.


Growing up, few understood the struggles I faced with anxiety and gut issues. 


By age 21, I embraced healthier habits, yet my mindset remained unchecked, like a ticking time bomb. In 2015, my mother's death from diabetes complications triggered a downward spiral. Over the next two years, my health deteriorated, impacting my quality of life. 


In 2018, I stumbled onto a product that made me feel so much better. Inspired by the profound impact it had on my well-being, I made a decision—to share this gift with others.


And so, my journey into social marketing began.


With dedication and passion, I poured my heart into building a business around this product. Before I knew it, I was soaring as a top earner, achieving six figures and beyond.


However, God has a way of nudging us toward change, sometimes in unexpected and challenging ways.


So, I decided to step away from my grown network marketing business to prioritize my health once more. That’s when dove into digital & affiliate marketing, testing the waters and discovering yet another realm of passive online income potential.


Working from home became not just a necessity for my health, but also a blessing, allowing me to excel as an introvert.


Now, leveraging my experience, I offer a comprehensive course for beginners—especially introverts—seeking to venture into digital and affiliate marketing. It's a culmination of my journey, designed to empower you to succeed from anywhere & to find your own version of BETTER.


When people ask, "Where do I start?" I say, "Begin with defining your goals and passions. Seek guidance, and don't hesitate to ask for help. Every successful journey begins with a single step."


Check out my video to find out just how simple it really is. 


I'm always opening to have a more 1 on 1 conversation about how I started my journey to better. If interested in learning more, let's connect! 

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